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Community Council

of the Royal Burgh of Peebles & District

PCC Logo

Community Council

of the Royal Burgh of Peebles & District

PCC Logo

Who we are

Peebles and District Community Council (PCC) is governed by the Scottish Borders Council (SBC) Scheme for Community Councils.

We are local people with an interest in our community. Our 18 members may serve for up to 3 years before standing for re-election. We regularly co-opt members for their skills and to fill vacancies.

The six elected Scottish Borders Councillors from East and West Tweeddale are `ex-officio' (non-voting) members who provide a valuable link to and from SBC.

What we do

Our main role is to:

  • Represent our local area
  • Consult with local residents
  • Pass residents' views on to public sector organisations such as SBC and NHS Borders

SBC has a responsibility to

  • Consult with PCC about how local services are delivered
  • Inform us of changes to services & issues that may affect our area

When & where we meet

Ordinary Meetings of the Council are held on the Second Thursday of each month in the Burgh Hall, Peebles. These meetings normally start at 7:00pm and continue until approximately 9:00 pm.

Our meetings are publicised in the Peeblesshire News the week before the meeting with any changes to time and venue advertised.

Minutes and reports

Minutes and reports from the chair, planning convenor and police are available in Documents.

There is also a copy of the minutes and agenda displayed on the Community Council Noticeboard each month. The board is situated on the right of the archway leading to the Chambers Institution and Quadrangle. A further copy is located in the library. Please ask the librarian for the Community Council folder.

Next meeting

7pm Thursday 12th September 2024Agenda

Come along

All meetings are open to the public.

Each meeting allows 10 minutes for a Question and Answer session for members of the public to ask a question on any subject of relevance to the community council.

Reference: South Parks, Peebles.

Ttile: Temporary Traffic Regulation Order.

Address: South Parks, Peebles, from Edderston Ridge westwards for 20 metres.

Grid Reference: 324452,640181 – 324439,640179.

Applicant: Class One.

Order Details: Road Closure.

Reason for order: Scottish Water manhole repair works.

Alternative route: There is no alternative route.

Start Date and Duration: 15th November 2024 for 1 night – between the hours of 19:00 and 7:00.

South Parks road closure

The following is an extract from a recent letter from SBC to Peebles Community Council

"The current Inspection programme requires testing to be undertaken in the newer sections of the cemetery, namely Sections NC, A & B (to the right-hand side as you enter through the main cemetery gates).

We now write with a further update to advise that Peebles Cemetery Headstone Safety Inspections will commence in these sections’ week commencing Monday 7th October. Headstones which do not pass the safety test will be made safe by either laying flat or socketing. Notices will be placed at headstones which have been laid flat to notify the owner and provide information on the next steps they can take. Alternatively, owners can arrange their own independent inspection/remedial works if they wish ahead of our public safety inspections.

Works are carried out solely by specially trained Council staff, who at all times endeavour to work with respect and as sensitively as possible.

I hope this information is helpful but if you have any queries, please get in touch with the Cemeteries Office on 0300 100 1800."

Anne Snoddy, Secretary, Community Council of the Royal Burgh of Peebles and District.

The back road from Peebles to Walkerburn via Innerleithen (B7062) currently has a temporary 40mph speed limit. It is one of three routes in the Borders designated a 'quiet road' by SBC.

Philippa Gilhooley of SBC is now seeking our thoughts on the permanent introduction of the 40mph speed limit:

  1. Are you aware of any increase in walking or cycling on the B7062 since the introduction of the Quiet Roads initiative?
  2. Do you view the 40mph speed limit as beneficial, a waste of money, pointless or are you neutral on the subject?
  3. Do you think that the 40mph speed limit is being adhered to?
  4. Do you live along the route?
  5. Generally, what are your thoughts and views on retaining the 40mph or reverting back to the national speed limit?

If you would like to submit your thoughts please email the Secretary at secretary@ccrbpeebles.co.uk or drop them in at the Eastgate Theatre marked for the attention of Peebles Community Council.

Responses by Fri 25 October please.

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